Monday, May 15, 2006

There's a Bathroom on the Right

Sometimes I worry that my daughter has a hearing problem. I'm not referring to that selective brand of hearing that all of us develop (I would judge somewhere around the age of 2 based on my son's recently acquiring this skill). No, my daugther often hears words pronounced incorrectly in her mind. She is, of course, only 4 years old, so I am not too concerned. In fact, she has shown an incredible ability to learn and speak Korean during the last 2 months in Seoul, which further allays any concerns. Nonetheless, she does have some type of hearing problem. This morning, she used two such words on the way to school. First, she made a referece to my use of my "cellephone" (as my wife pointed out, a natural derivative of a "telephone"). Then, while driving to school, she decided it would be a good idea for her to wear her "advisor" in order to keep the sun out of her eyes. Now, I'm not sure that my 4 year old has any idea what an "advisor" is, but apparently she feels it is something used to keep you in the dark. Perhaps politicians could learn something here.

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